Pool Demo 2020 - 2021
Updated Sunday, 4/18/21
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Roll over the photos. Some have captions that will appear. Or click a photo and it will enlarge.
Saturday, October 17, 2020 Pool Demo
Several pictures of the old pool & deck. Demolition of the pool (coping and tile removal) was the first stage.
Several pictures of the old pool & deck. Demolition of the pool (coping and tile removal) was the first stage.
Friday, October23, 2020 Pool Deck Demolition
It was a messy and noisy job, but it only took 6 hours, start through cleanup.
It was a messy and noisy job, but it only took 6 hours, start through cleanup.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Tile and Coping Installation.
Tile and Coping Installation.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Pool Deck Pour Preparation - Initial work progressed quickly in October but it's been rainy and pouring the deck had to be put off a couple times. Good weather forecast this week and the pour is scheduled for Thursday.
Pool Deck Pour Preparation - Initial work progressed quickly in October but it's been rainy and pouring the deck had to be put off a couple times. Good weather forecast this week and the pour is scheduled for Thursday.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
There was a little error committed on Tuesday. The crew cut through the air line that supplies the bubblers in the loveseat. The Anthony&Sylvan foreman stopped by yesterday and fixed it so the pour could happen today.
Five guys showed up for the pour at 7:15am and they worked non-stop through clean-up at 4:15. Long day without a break
There was a little error committed on Tuesday. The crew cut through the air line that supplies the bubblers in the loveseat. The Anthony&Sylvan foreman stopped by yesterday and fixed it so the pour could happen today.
Five guys showed up for the pour at 7:15am and they worked non-stop through clean-up at 4:15. Long day without a break
This should be the last task for this year. The concrete needs to set for up to a month and then they can install a sealer between the deck and the coping bricks. However, it may be too cold to do it this winter and it may have to wait until the Spring. Then in the Spring, the pool bowl will be re-plastered which finishes their job. On plaster day, we add the water and start the pump and filter. Then my job starts: fixing the yard.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Well the empty and open pool sat over the winter, collecting leaves and related organic matter. On Friday, the pool plaster team arrived around 7:30am in the morning and started cleaning. They finished at 2pm and filling commenced, taking 24 hours.
Well the empty and open pool sat over the winter, collecting leaves and related organic matter. On Friday, the pool plaster team arrived around 7:30am in the morning and started cleaning. They finished at 2pm and filling commenced, taking 24 hours.
That about does it for the pool. Now I get to fix the yard where the Bobcat did some damage.